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in to cm Converter

Created by Mariamy Chrdileli
Reviewed by Wojciech Sas, PhD
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Welcome to the Omni in to cm converter, a simple tool to help you quickly convert inches to centimeters and vice versa!

Do you know how many centimeters is your 29-inch wide laptop screen? Or rather, you have been wondering about the metric measurements of a new canvas you purchased, described as 8 x 10 inches? The Omni in to cm converter is here to help answer your length conversion-related questions. Come along, and find out how to convert in to cm and how many cm are in an inch! 📏

How many cm are in an inch?

If you want to know how many inches are in a centimeter or vice versa, look no further:

  • 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
  • 1 centimeter ≈ 0.3937 inches

How do I convert in to cm?

Converting cm to inches or inches to cm is relatively straightforward. Here are the formulas below:

  1. To convert inches to centimeters, you need to multiply your length value by 2.54.

    cm = in × 2.54

  2. To convert centimeters to inches, you should multiply your length value by 0.3937.

    in = cm × 0.3937

Examples of in to cm conversion

Now that you know how to convert inches to centimeters and vice versa let's discuss examples. Suppose you want to know how many centimeters is your 29-inch wide laptop screen. To do the conversion, you would need to multiply 29 by the conversion factor of 2.54, which equals 73.66 cm. 💻

How about converting the length of 50 cm tall canvas to inches? To do so, you need to multiply 50 by the conversion factor of 0.3937, which equals 19.685 in.


How do I convert 22 in to cm?

To convert 22 in to cm:

  1. Take the number 22;
  2. Multiply it by 2.54; and
  3. That's all! The answer is 55.88 cm.

How many inches are in a centimeters?

There are approximately 0.3937 inches in a centimeter. To convert centimeters into inches, you need to multiply the length value in inches by the conversion factor of 0.3937.

Mariamy Chrdileli
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