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Feet to Miles Converter

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Welcome to the Omni feet to miles converter, a convenient tool to help you convert feet to miles and vice versa.

Converting different units of length can be confusing. Why should you waste your time performing feet to miles conversions when you can trust our feet to miles converter to do the job for you! Come along to find out how many feet are in a mile and how to convert feet to miles! 👩‍🏫

How do I convert feet to miles?

Converting feet to miles and vice versa is quite easy:

  • 1 foot ≈ 0.0001894 miles
  • 1 mile = 5,280 feet


  1. For feet to miles conversion, you should multiply your length value by 0.0001894:
    mi = ft × 0.0001894.

  2. For miles to feet conversion, you should multiply your length value by 5,280:
    ft = mi × 5,280.

Examples of ft to miles conversion

Now that you know how to perform ft to miles conversion let's discuss examples. Suppose you want to know how many miles is 360 feet long football field is. To do the conversion, you have to multiply 360 by 0.0001894, which equals approximately 0.06818 miles.

How about converting miles to ft? Let's say you want to know how many feet are in 2 miles. To find that out, you would have to multiply two by 5,280, which equals 10,560 feet.


How many feet are in a mile?

There are 5,280 feet in a mile. If you want to convert miles to feet, you should multiply your length value by the conversion factor of 5,280.

How do I convert 46,000 feet to miles?

To convert 46,000 feet to miles:

  1. Take the number 46,000;
  2. Multiply it by 0.0001894; and
  3. That's it! The result is 8.7124 miles.
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