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Grams in ml Converter

Created by Anna Szczepanek, PhD
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Our grams in ml converter will help you master the conversion of milliliters to grams as well as grams to milliliters. If you need to convert g to ml by hand, you can use our tool as a rich database of densities for various substances!

Read on to discover how the conversion of grams to ml works!

How do I convert grams to ml?

Since grams (g) describe mass and milliliters (ml) describe volume, it's not so trivial to convert g to ml! The details of conversion depend on the density of the substance in question. To convert grams to ml, use the formula:

Volume [ml] = Mass [g] / Density [g/ml]

Milliliters to grams conversion, on the other hand, uses the formula:

Mass [g] = Density [g/ml] × Volume [ml]

🙋 Density [g/ml] = Density [kg/l] = 0.001 × Density [kg/m3]

Grams to ml conversion for water

For water, the conversion between grams and ml is particularly easy as the density of water is almost equal to 1 [g/ml]. This means that the mass of water in grams is (almost) equal to its volume in milliliters.

Note the almost part: if you need precision in your computations, this rule of thumb may not be sufficient. In such a case, turn to an online gram to milliliter converter (or a ml into g converter, depending on the direction you need) instead.

How to use this gram to milliliter converter?

Our g to ml converter is straightforward to operate:

  1. Open the drop-down menu and pick the substance for which you want to convert g to ml (or the other way round: conversion of milliliters to grams also works!).
  2. Our g to ml converter knows the density of the substance! No need to look it up elsewhere. On the other hand, you can enter a custom value of density if you wish.
  3. Enter the mass of your substance in grams: our grams in ml converter performs the computations and displays the missing value!
  4. Alternatively, for the milliliters to grams conversion, input the volume of your substance (in milliliters) in the dedicated field. Our tool will know; it now has to act as an ml into g converter!

Happy with Omni-assisted g to ml conversion? Check out similar Omni tools and become a master of mass-to-volume conversion!


How do I convert 100 g of honey to millilitres?

100 g of honey is about 70 ml. To get this answer:

  1. You need to know the density of honey: it's 1.42 g/ml.
  2. Divide the mass of honey by its density: 100 / 1.42 = 70.42.
  3. That is, the volume of honey is indeed about 70 ml.
Anna Szczepanek, PhD
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