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Holds a Ph.D. degree in mathematics obtained at Jagiellonian University. An active researcher in the field of quantum information and a lecturer with 8+ years of teaching experience. Passionate about everything connected with maths in particular and science in general. Fond of coding, she has a keen eye for detail and perfectionistic leanings. A bookworm, an avid language learner, and a sluggish hiker. She is hopelessly addicted to coffee & chocolate – the darker and bitterer, the better.
Linear algebra and matrix theory
Probability and statistics
Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
Quantum information theory
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, PolandPhD in Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, PolandMaster’s degree in Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, PolandBachelor’s degree in Mathematics
Anna obtained all her academic degrees in mathematics at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland’s most prestigious university. After earning her master’s degree in applied mathematics, she was awarded a research project on mathematical physics and eventually obtained a PhD. The thesis concerned the topic of quantum dynamical entropy and was awarded several prizes, including the Prize of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland. Anna’s research revolves around the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. She participated in several research grants awarded by the Polish National Science Centre and presented her results at 30+ international conferences. An experienced university-level teacher, for 10+ years, she has led courses in calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics, mathematical modeling, and programming. Always eager to popularize science and facilitate the lives of learners, Anna has given numerous workshops and lectures for high-school students. Her most successful Omni tool is the p-value calculator. However, surprisingly, it was the UFO travel calculator and the Snowman calculator that gained much more attention in the media…
Prize of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for the PhD thesis (2021)
Silver Award for the best PhD Thesis on quantum information defended in Poland in 2020 awarded by Quantum Information Center KCIK in Gdańsk (2021)
Professor Urszula Ledzewicz Prize for the PhD thesis in applications of mathematics awarded by Lodz University of Technology (2021)
Franciszek Leja Scholarship for outstanding students of mathematics (undergrad) at the Jagiellonian University (2014)
Featured in the research paper: Diverse mechanisms in proton knockout reactions from the Borromean nucleus 17Ne; The European Physical Journal A
Featured in the research paper: Development of a Prototype Solution for Reducing Soup Waste in an Institutional Canteen; Applied Sciences
Quantas pessoas você deixaria de infectar com o distanciamento social?; Revista Galileu
How to calculate P Value; Wiki How
Quando sarò vaccinato? Un sito calcola quanto si dovrà aspettare in Italia; La Republicca
UFO sightings: Scientists calculate breakneck speeds of UFOs with 'advanced technology'; Express
C'è una calcolatrice per sapere quando sarai vaccinato; Esquire
Hier kannst du ausrechnen, wann du einen Impftermin bekommst; 20 Minuten
New Online 'UFO Creator' Allows People To Discover What These Craft Can Actually Do; Sputnik Globe
Snowman calculator: A guide to building the most robust snowman on the block; KCBY 11
Here's how big a snowman you can build with all that nor'easter snow in your yard; Fox Weather
Flying in UFO between San Francisco and London would take 27 minutes; TweakTown
UFO Travel Calculator: Design Your Own Unidentified Flying Object; Leonard David's INSIDE OUTER SPACE
Nechita I, Ouyang Z, Szczepanek A. Generalized unistochastic matrices; Linear Algebra and its Applications; Jun 2024
Szczepanek A. Eight types of qutrit dynamics generated by unitary evolution combined with 2+1 projective measurement; Dec 2021
Słomczyński W, Szczepanek A. Orthogonal projections on hyperplanes intertwined with unitaries; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Sep 2021
Szczepanek A. Ergodicity of Kusuoka measures on quantum trajectories; Feb 2021
Słomczyński W, Szczepanek A. Quantum Dynamical Entropy, Chaotic Unitaries and Complex Hadamard Matrices; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec 2017
Szczepanek A. Modelling influence propagation in social networks; Schedae Informaticae; Jan 2015