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Gallons to Grams Conversion

Created by Luis Hoyos
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Welcome to our gallons-to-grams converter, where we make the gallons-to-grams conversion a child's play!

Whether you're a scientist, a chef, or someone who needs to make quick and accurate conversions, you can quickly and confidently convert any quantity of gallons to its corresponding weight in grams.

You can use this tool to know:

  • How many grams a gallon of milk has;
  • How many grams a gallon of water has; and
  • Many more!

Keep reading this article and learn to convert gal to g by hand.

Converting from gallons to grams by hand

To perform the gallons to grams conversion, we rely on the widely known formula to calculate mass from density and volume:

Mass = Density × Volume

We must use the correct units in this formula. Below we explain a convenient way to do it.

Gallons to grams conversion

The easiest way to convert from gal to g is to multiply the density in grams per gallon (g/gal) by the number of gallons (the volume of substance):

Mass [g] = Density [g/gal] × Volume [gal]

Grams to gallon conversion

To convert from grams to gallons, divide the mass in grams by the density in g/gal:

Volume [gal] = Mass [g]/Density [g/gal]

Expressing density as grams per gallon

The most probable scenario when converting gal to g is that you don't know the density in grams per gallon but in other units. Don't worry! Here are some conversion factors to go from those units to grams per US gallon:

  • Density [g/gal] = Density [kg/m³] × 3.78541;
  • Density [g/gal] = Density [g/cm³] × 3,785.41;
  • Density [g/gal] = Density [g/mL] × 3,785.41;
  • Density [g/gal] = Density [lb/in³] × 104,780;
  • Density [g/gal] = Density [lb/gal] × 453.592.

For example, if the density is in kg/m³, multiply it by 3.78541 and that will be the density in g/gal (US)

Other similar tools

Do you want more volume-to-mass conversions? Here are some tools to satisfy all your volume and mass conversion needs:


How many grams are in a gallon of water?

There are 3785.4 grams in a gallon of water. To get to this answer, multiply the water density in grams per US gallon (3785.4 gal/g) by the number of gallons:

Mass [g] = Density [g/gal] × Volume [gal]
Mass [g] = 3785.4 g/gal × 1 gal
Mass [g] = 3785.4 g

How many grams are in a gallon of milk?

There are 3899 grams in a gallon of milk. To get to this answer, multiply the milk density in grams per US gallon (3899 g/gal) by the number of gallons:

Mass [g] = Density [g/gal] × Volume [gal]
Mass [g] = 3899 g/gal × 1 gal
Mass [g] = 3899 g

Luis Hoyos
Lookup density or input your own:
lb/US gal
Input one and get the other:
US gal
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