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Yard Conversion

Created by Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

This yard conversion tool will work great whether you want to convert yards to meters, feet, or any other metric or imperial unit of length. All you have to do is enter the measured distance in yards and our yard calculator will instantly convert yards to other units. We have also prepared a text in which you will find out:

  • What is the definition of a yard;
  • How to convert yards to feet; and
  • How to use a metric to yard conversion.

Definition of yard

A yard (briefly: yd) is a unit of length in the British imperial system and the U.S. customary system:

1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches.

1,760 yards are equal to 1 mile.
Since 1959, in the metric system, 1 yd refers to 0.91444 m:

1 yard = 0.9144 meters = 91.44 centimeters = 914.4 millimeters.

Examples of yard conversion to different units

Let's take a look at some examples:

  • To convert yards to meters, simply multiply the distance in yards by 0.9144. For example, 5 yards to meters will be 5 × 0.9144 m = 4.572 m.
  • The conversion of yards to miles means that you divide the number of yards by 1760, e.g. 1000 yd/1760 = 0.5682 miles.
  • The conversion of yards to feet is based on multiplying the number of yards by 3. For instance, 25 yards to feet are 25 yds × 3 = 75 feet.

How to use this yard conversion tool

With this tool, yard conversion to different units is simple and easy. To use our yard calculator:

  1. Enter the distance in yards that you want to convert.

  2. The yard converter will show you the equivalent distance in metric and imperial units, e.g. yards to feet conversion, or yards to miles conversion.

  3. Simple, right? But that's not all. Use this yard conversion tool in the opposite way - just enter a distance in other units, for example, do the conversion of meters to yards. 😎


How many feet is in 100 yards?

300 feet. To convert yards to feet:

  1. Take 100 yards.
  2. Multiply it by 3: 100 yd × 3 = 300 feet.

How many yards is in a meter?

1 meter is equal to 1.0936 yards. The metric-to-yard conversion rate is 1.0936, so multiply distance in meters by 1.0936 to get it in yards. For example, 25 meters to yards is 25 m × 1.0936 = 27.34 yd.

Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
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