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ml to kg Converter

Table of contents

How to use the ml to kg calculatorHow do I find mass with density and volume?How do I convert milliliters to kilograms?An example of using the ml to kg converter for benzeneLooking for more volume-mass converters?Behind the scenes of the ml to kg calculatorFAQs

Are you searching for a precise ml to kg converter for your cooking or other purposes? Here we're to help you!

We all have come across recipes with ingredients in kilograms when what we have are cups. Don't worry if you have a similar problem! With our tool, you can now convert milliliters to kilograms from anywhere and anytime.

We also explain how to convert milliliters to kilograms in simple steps. All you need to know is the density and the volume-to-mass formula.

How to use the ml to kg calculator

Are you keen to master our ml to kg calculator and delve into its capabilities swiftly? Follow these straightforward instructions:

  1. Select your substance: Choose from water, milk, cooking oil, or select 'Other' to input a custom substance in the calculator's first dropdown menu.

  2. Define density if needed: If you've chosen 'Other', input the density of your substance in grams per milliliter (g/mL) in the next field. This is a crucial step as it determines the accuracy of the conversion.

  3. Input the volume: Enter the volume of your substance into the volume field. Ensure that the units are set correctly before you proceed.

  4. Instant conversion: As soon as you input the volume, the calculator will display the mass in kilograms (kg). It uses the predefined densities for water, milk, and cooking oil to convert volume to mass. For other substances, the density you entered is used for this calculation.

For example, to convert the volume of water to mass, simply select 'Water' from the substance options, enter the volume, and the mass in kilograms will be provided immediately. Assuming water's density is about 1 g/ml, 500 ml of water will have a mass of approximately 0.5 kg.

The calculator is also reversible. If you know the weight of a liquid, enter this value first, and the calculator will show you the volume.

Please continue reading to get to grips with the concepts of density, volume, and mass, their relation, and their significance in various applications.

How do I find mass with density and volume?

If we know a substance's density and volume, we can calculate its mass as:

  • mass = density × volume

For instance, your 1 L cooking oil of density 0.916 g/ml weighs 0.916 g/ml × 1000 ml = 916 g = 0.916 kg.

How do I convert milliliters to kilograms?

To convert a milliliter measurement to a kilogram measurement:

  1. Multiply the substance's volume in ml by its density in g/ml. Now you have the mass in grams.
  2. Divide this value by 1,000 to convert from grams to kilograms.
  3. What you got now is your substance's mass in kilograms.

An example of using the ml to kg converter for benzene

Let's see how to use this ml to kg converter to solve the following problem:

❓ Find the mass of 250.0 ml of benzene.

  1. Start by entering the density of benzene, 876 kg/m³, into the converter:

    • Select Other from the drop-down list for the Substance.

    • The tool displays a new option - Density. Choose kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m³) from the units for Density.

    • Enter 876 kg/m³ in the input box of Density.

    Okay, you finished adding the density to the converter! Let's move on to the next factor, which is volume.

  2. Enter 250 ml in the input box Volume.

That's it! Our tool gives you the mass in kg. The result is 0.219 kg.

Want to convert liters to cups or gallons? Use our volume converter!

Looking for more volume-mass converters?

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Behind the scenes of the ml to kg calculator

I'm Mehjabin, and the idea for the ml to kg calculator materialized when I noticed the recurring need to convert liquid measurements in various professional and personal scenarios. Whether during culinary experiments or data analysis, the necessity for a quick, reliable conversion tool was evident. Thus, I developed this versatile calculator, offering conversions for common substances like water, milk, and cooking oil, along with the option to calculate the conversion for any substance by defining its density.

The calculator has become an indispensable tool for me, and I rely on it for swift conversions during data assessments, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in my work. It's designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it equally useful for professionals, students, and anyone needing precise conversions.

We've diligently ensured the accuracy of the ml to kg calculator by involving experts in the peer-review process and by incorporating feedback from actual users. With a commitment to providing trustworthy tools, every calculation is backed by rigorous testing and verification, aiming to meet the high standards expected by our users.


How do I find the mass of 10 ml of water?

To find the mass of 10 ml of water:

  1. Multiply the volume of water (10 ml) by its density (1 g/ml) to obtain the mass in grams: 10 g.
  2. Divide 10 g by 1000 to find the mass in kilograms.
  3. Your final result is 0.01 kg.

How do I calculate the volume of 150 kg of chlorine gas at STP?

To calculate the volume of chlorine gas at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure), divide the mass of chlorine gas by its density at STP. To find the volume of chlorine gas of mass 150 kg:

  1. Check the density of chlorine gas at STP. It is 3.214 g/L.
  2. Convert kilograms to grams: 150 kg × 1000 = 150,000 g.
  3. Divide the mass by density to find volume: mass / density = 46,671 L.
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