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lbs to Stone Converter

Created by Adena Benn
Reviewed by Steven Wooding
Last updated: Jun 30, 2023

Are you at a loss on how to convert lbs to stone? Or maybe you are wondering what a stone is. You have come to the right place. Our lbs to stone calculator will help you to convert any value given in lbs seamlessly without the need to apply any formulas. Enter the amount you would like to have converted to stone in the lbs field, and you will receive the result immediately.

However, keep reading if you wish to dive deeper into converting lbs to stone or what exactly a stone is. We will disclose:

  • What is a lb?
  • What is a stone?
  • How to convert lbs to stone?
  • How much is a stone in lbs?

🙋 So what is a lb? Lb is the abbreviation for pounds. It is the unit of measurement used in the United States to measure the weight of an object.

Formula used to convert lbs to stone

So would you like to know how we converted lbs to stone? The formula used in our lbs to stone calculator is:

1 lb = 1/14 st

So, to convert 15 lbs to stone, here is what you would do. Multiply both sides of the formula by 15.

(15 × 1) lbs = (15 × 1/14) st
15 lbs = 1.0714285714 st

So, how much is a stone in lbs?

1 Stone is the equivalent of 14 lbs.

🔎 Are you wondering what a stone is? If you are from the United States you may not have used this measurement before. A stone is a unit of measurement typically used in the United Kingdom and Ireland to measure body mass. Stone is usually represented by the abbreviation st.

Other weight converters

Here at Omni, we offer a number of ways to convert weight, not just the lbs to stone converter. We also offer the following calculators if you'd like to convert weight:

Adena Benn
Lbs (pounds)
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