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Time in Between Calculator

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How do I use this time in between calculator?Other tools similar to this time in between calculatorFAQs

Welcome to the time in between calculator, a tool that will let you calculate how much time in between two events there is.

Read on to discover how to use this calculator, and if you want to learn more, in the FAQ section, we answer the questions "What is the elapsed time between 2:16 AM and 8:10 PM?" and how to calculate the time in minutes between two times.

How do I use this time in between calculator?

"Time in between" refers to the amount of time between two events. For example, if you go to school at 6 AM and return home at 1 PM, the time between those events is seven hours.

This calculator has two functionalities to calculate how much time in between two events there is:

  • Elapsed time duration calculator: You can enter any two times in this section of the calculator (as long as the end is more than the start elapsed time), with no restrictions related to the 12- or 24-hour time formats.
  • Clock time duration calculator: If you are interested in calculating the time between two clock times during a single day or overnight, this calculator section is just for you.

Now that you know how to use this calculator let's look at other exciting tools and questions.

Other tools similar to this time in between calculator


What is the elapsed time between 2:16 AM and 8:10 PM?

The elapsed time between 2:16 AM and 8:10 PM is 17 hours and 54 minutes. Explanation:

  1. Convert everything to 24h format:
  • 2:16 AM = 2:16.
  • 8:10 PM = 20:10.
  1. Find the difference between the final and initial times, as in a math subtraction:

    18:-06 Not a valid time.

  2. To get a valid positive result, express 20:10 as 19 hours and 70 minutes (they are the same):


How do I calculate the time in minutes between two times?

To calculate time in minutes between two times:

  1. Convert everything to 24h format.

  2. Subtract the initial from the final hour as with a math subtraction. E.g., for the time between 9:20 and 17:44:

    8:24 (8 hrs and 24 min)

  3. Express the time difference in minutes. As 8 hrs = 480 min, then:

    8 hrs and 24 min = 504 min

    If the result is negative, e.g.:


    Express the final time in a way that results in a positive result (20:05 = 19:65):


Elapsed time duration calculator

Clock time duration calculator

Start clock time:

End clock time:

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