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Hours Between Two Times Calculator

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How do I calculate hours between two times?How does hours between two times calculator work?Other related toolsFAQs

Welcome to the Omni hours between two times calculator, a simple and handy tool to help you calculate the number of hours between two times.

Why waste your time computing calculations by hand? Trust our magic tool to do all the work for you! Keep reading to find out how to calculate hours between times and how the hours between two times calculator works. 🕰️

How do I calculate hours between two times?

To calculate the number of hours between two times:

  1. Convert both times to a 24-hour time format.
  2. Subtract the starting time from the ending time.
  3. Do you have any seconds or minutes after the subtraction? If so:
    • Take seconds, divide them by 60, and add the result to the minutes.
    • Take minutes, divide them by 60, and add the result to the total hours.
  4. Voila! You have calculated the hours between times.

How does hours between two times calculator work?

Using the hours between two times calculator is relatively straightforward! All you have to do is enter the starting and ending times, and the tool will determine how many hours are between two times of your interest.

You can enter your times in hours, seconds, or minutes, or you change the default unit as per your convenience! Note that the end elapsed time should be more than the start elapsed time.


How many hours are between 9:00 and 17:00?

There are 8 hours between 9:00 and 17:00. To calculate how many hours are between two times, you should subtract a start time from the end time. If you have any minutes left after the subtraction, divide them by 60 and the value to the total hours.

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