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Pregnancy Countdown Calculator

Created by Mariamy Chrdileli
Reviewed by Davide Borchia
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Welcome to the Omni pregnancy countdown calculator, your personal due date calendar that helps you count the days until your due date!

Having a baby is one of the most anticipated events in life. Hence it is no surprise you want to count the days until a new member joins your family. 👶 Start your countdown till your due date and come along to get clear answers to some of the pregnancy countdown-related questions, such as:

  • How do expectations affect the experience of childbirth?
  • How do I calculate the pregnancy due date?
  • How does the pregnancy due date countdown calculator work? And more! 🍼

Expectations, attitudes and the experience of childbirth

Before getting to the pregnancy calendar countdown calculator details, let's explore whether expectations, anticipation, and attitudes about childbirth affect the experience.

Since childbirth is a highly anticipated event and the start of a new chapter in a mother's life, it is no surprise that many emotions are associated with it, both positive and negative. Various research studies demonstrate that certain expectations and attitudes toward childbirth can significantly affect the experience. For instance, women with high childbirth self-efficacy (confidence in successfully navigating the process of childbirth) experience various improved perinatal outcomes compared to women with low childbirth self-efficacy. On the other hand, studies show that catastrophizing the anticipated event (excessively exaggerating the negative aspects of the experience) affects the subjective pain during the delivery and may contribute to poorer physical recovery after childbirth.

Hence, creating a supportive environment, working on increasing self-confidence, having extensive talks with the healthcare providers, and trying to avoid catastrophizing the event should be crucial parts of the anticipation.

How to use the pregnancy countdown calculator

Using the pregnancy countdown calendar is quite simple! Here is what you have to do:

  1. Set the date in the From field from which you want your countdown to start; by default, the date and time are set for today's day and hour, but you can change that if you wish!
  2. Set the date in the To field to when you are expecting your baby. For instance, if you are expecting your baby on December 20, the pregnancy countdown calculator will count the days between today and December 20. 🤰If you're unsure about your due date, we have a pregnancy due date calculator you can visit!

Our similar countdown tools to due date calendar

Did you enjoy the pregnancy due date countdown calculator? Want to determine how many days you have left until your next big event? Then come along and explore our collection of countdown calculators and let the anticipation build! 🕒


How do I calculate the days left until the due date?

To calculate the days before the due date, you can follow the next steps:

  1. Note today's date and the date you expect your baby.
  2. Subtract the current date from the due date.
  3. Voila! You now know how to countdown till your due date.

How long until my due date, if I conceived on 1st of March, 2023?

If you conceived on the March 1, 2023, you should be due approximately on January 22, 2024. If you wish to start your pregnancy countdown, subtract the current date from the due date or use the Omni pregnancy countdown calculator.

Mariamy Chrdileli
321 days,
1 hour,
39 minutes,
10 seconds
until your due date!🤰👶
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