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ml to tbsp Converter

Created by Gabriela Diaz
Reviewed by Davide Borchia
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

The ml to tbsp converter easily lets you know from any volume in milliliters to tablespoons. Wondering how much is 10 ml to tbsp or 30 ml to tbsp? This tool will instantly give you the answer. Here you'll also find a step-by-step on how to convert ml to tbsp.

How to use the ml to tbsp converter

To use this tool, simply enter the volume in milliliters (ml) that you'd like to know in tablespoons (tbsp), and the converter will show you the tbsp result in the row below.
Give it a try! For example, if we'd like to perform the ml to tbsp conversion of 10 ml, what's the converter's output?

How do I convert ml to tbsp?

To go from milliliters (ml) to tablespoons (tbsp), we follow some simple steps:

  1. Use the conversion factor of 15 milliliters per metric tablespoon, 15 ml = 1 tbsp.
  2. Divide the volume in ml that you'd like to convert by the conversion factor 15 ml/tbsp. For example, if you'd like to convert 30 ml to tbsp, the calculation would be 30 ml / (15 ml/tbsp) = 2 tbsp.

More volume converters

If you enjoyed using this converter, you might find it useful to try our general volume converter. For more specific volume conversions, we invite you to take a look to more of our tools:


How do I convert 1 ml to tbsp?

Divide by 15 ml/tbsp to go from ml to tbsp. Every metric tablespoon equates to 15 milliliters, 15 ml = 1 tbsp.

How much is 10 ml in tbsp?

0.67 tbsp. To convert from ml to tbsp, use the conversion factor of 15 ml per tablespoon. In this case, by dividing 10 ml by 15 ml/tbsp, we get 0.67 tbsp.

Gabriela Diaz
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