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Gallons to Cubic Feet Converter

Created by Luciano Miño
Reviewed by Gabriela Diaz
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

With the gallons to cubic feet converter, you can quickly convert cubic feet to gallons. You can easily switch between both volume units with just a simple multiplication or division.

This short text will cover how to convert gallons to cubic feet and give some practical examples. Let's dive right in!

US and UK gallons

Gallon (gal) is a volume unit, and it can be either a US gallon or UK gallon. A US gallon is exactly 231 cubic inches or 3.785 L, while a UK gallon is 4.546 L. As you can see, UK gallons have a slightly larger capacity than their US counterpart.

Let's take a look at how they compare to cubic feet.

Gallons and cubic feet

A cubic foot (cu ft or ft³) is another volume unit used in the US and Imperial unit systems. It's defined as the amount of space a 1 foot sided square box occupies. To convert between gallons and cubic feet we would first need to express a single gallon in terms of cubic feet:

1 US gal=0.133681 ft³1 UK gal=0.160544 ft³1\ \text{US gal} = 0.133681\ \text{ft³}\\ 1\ \text{UK gal} = 0.160544\ \text{ft³}

That means we would need to multiply this number (0.133681 or 160544) by the number of gallons to switch between both units.

How do I convert gallons to cubic feet?

To convert gallons to cubic feet:

  1. Write down the volume in gallons (US or UK).
  2. Multiply this number by 0.133681 if it's a US gallon.
  3. Otherwise, multiply the volume in gallons by 0.160544 if it's a UK gallon.


How many cubic feet are in 5 gallons?

There are 0.668403 ft³ in 5 US gallons and 0.802718 ft³ in 5 UK gallons. To obtain this result, we multiply the number of gallons by 0.133681 or 0.160544 if it's a US or UK gallon, respectively.

What do you call half a gallon?

2 quarts. A quart is equal to one-fourth of a gallon. Therefore, half a gallon is the same as 2 quarts.

Luciano Miño
US gal
cu ft
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