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Round to the Nearest Hundred Calculator

Table of contents

What is a hundred?How to calculate the rounding to the nearest hundred?Examples of calculations of the rounding to the nearest hundredMore or less than hundreds: other rounding tools at OmniFAQs

Omni's round to the nearest hundred calculator will give you the answer to the question, "what is the round hundred closer to a number?".

With this short article, you will learn:

  • How to calculate the nearest hundred rounding;
  • The various ways to round to the nearest hundred; and
  • Examples of rounding to the nearest hundred.

We are sure it will be enough to teach you how to perform this easy approximation.

What is a hundred?

A hundred is a digit in the third place of the decimal system positional notation. The digits before are the units and the tens, and the following are the thousands.

In each hundred, you can find ten tens and one hundred units (surprised?): this is the magic of the decimal system.

Hundreds are the numbers that start to become hard to grasp. As humans, we live on their edges; for example:

  • Our elders live to see one hundred years;
  • Our countries span (in most cases) a few hundred kilometers (or miles);
  • A hundred people is a sizeable crowd;
  • We use a hundred as a scale in the calculations of percentages;

And so on! Thousands feel too big!

The first positive hundred is 100100, followed suit by 200200, and so on. 00 is still a hundred, just a weird one. We can also move to the negative numbers: there, we have 100-100, 200-200, etc. There are 9999 numbers between two neighboring hundreds. Which one is the closest to each number? Let's discover it with Omni's round to the nearest hundred calculator!

How to calculate the rounding to the nearest hundred?

If you want to learn how to calculate the rounding to the nearest hundred, you first have to make a choice: how do we put fifty?

Five (and its decimal multiples and submultiples) is a tricky number in all roundings, and the calculations of the rounding to the nearest hundred are no exception. Since fifty is halfway through neighboring hundreds, we need to decide to which one we will assign it.

  • The standard way is to assign 5050 to the higher hundreds. We call this procedure half-up rounding, and it gives us the following result: 250300250\rightarrow 300.
  • The half-down rounding is the opposite way to round to the nearest hundred, and it returns the lower hundreds when you deal with fifties.
  • You can choose a different behavior for positive and negative hundreds, or even decide to round always in the same direction.

Knowing this, let's perform the rounding in the most common way. Take any number, and consider the last two digits. If that number is lower than 5050, then reduce the number to the lower hundred; if the number is higher than 5050, round to the higher hundred. If the number is 5050, consider the rules above!

Examples of calculations of the rounding to the nearest hundred

How do we calculate the rounding of 980 to the nearest hundred? Consider the two digits to the right: 80. Are they higher than 50? Yup: so to round 980, we simply write 1000. Notice that in this case, the digits of the hundred are 0! Another example: let's round 40 to the nearest hundred: the answer is 0 since the two rightmost digits are lower than 50.

And to conclude, why not round 550 to the nearest hundred? What do we do with that fifty? If we chose half-up rounding, the answer is 600.

More or less than hundreds: other rounding tools at Omni


How do I round to the nearest hundred?

To calculate the rounding to the nearest hundred, follow these easy steps:

  1. Take your number and consider the last two digits.
  2. If the last two digits are lower than 50, round to the lowest hundred.
  3. If the last two digits are higher than 50, round to the higher hundred.
  4. If you get 50, you can choose which direction to round. In general, assign the number to the higher hundred.

How do I round 248,682 to the nearest hundred?

To round 248,682 to the nearest hundred:

  1. Take the two rightmost digits. In this case, 82.
  2. Check if they are higher or lower than 50. In this case, 82>50.
  3. Since we are in the upper half of the hundred, round 248,682 to 248,700, the higher hundred.

How do I round a decimal number to the nearest hundred?

To round a decimal number to the nearest hundred, simply drop the decimal part (don't round it, just ignore it) and follow the normal procedure to round a number to the nearest hundred.

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