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Stone to kg Converter

Created by Purnima Singh, PhD
Reviewed by Rahul Dhari
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

Omni's stone to kg converter can help you convert between the imperial and metric units of mass. Just enter the mass in stone, and our tool will give you the mass in kg in no time!

If you are interested in learning more about stone and kilogram or how to convert st to kg, continue reading this article. You will also find several examples of stone to kilogram conversion.

Stone and kilogram

The kilogram (kg) is the unit of mass in the International Systems of Units (SI). It is the most widely used unit for expressing mass all over the world.

The stone (st.) is also a unit of mass in the English and Imperial systems of units. One stone is equal to 14 pounds (lbs) or 6.35 kg. It is more commonly used in the United Kingdom and the United States of America for expressing body weight.

How to convert stone to kg

As we already mentioned in the previous section, one stone is equal to about 6.35 kg, or more precisely:

1 stone=6.35029 kilogram\small 1\ \text{stone} = 6.35029\ \text{kilogram}

Hence, to convert the mass in stones to that in kilograms, all you have to do is multiply the mass value by 6.35029.

For example, let us convert 15 st to kg.

15 st×6.35029 kg1 st=95.2544 kg\small 15\ \text {st} \times \frac{6.35029\ \text{kg}}{1 \ \text {st}} = 95.2544 \ \text{kg}

i.e., 15 st is equivalent to 95.2544 kg.

Stones to kilograms conversion - An example

Now let us see how we can use the stone to kg converter for the same problem:

  1. In the field Imperial/US, enter the mass in stones, i.e., 15 st.

  2. The calculator will convert the mass value from stone to kg and will display the result as 95.2544 kg.

  3. You can also use this tool as a kg-to-stone converter.

Other weight/mass converters

If you are interested in other weight/mass conversions, check out our other converters as well:


How do I convert 8 st to kg?

To convert 8 st to kg, follow the given instructions:

  1. Multiply the mass in stones, i.e., 8 st with 6.35029.

  2. You will get the resulting mass in kg, i.e., 50.8023 kg.

  3. Congrats! You have successfully converted 8 st to kg.

What is 10 stone in kg?

63.5029 kg. Since one stone equals 6.35029 kg, ten stones in kg will be 63.5029 kg.

Purnima Singh, PhD
🤔You can also convert kg to stones!💡
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