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Calories Burned by Heart Rate Calculator

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Welcome to Omni's calories burned by heart rate calculator, a simple tool for when you want to calculate calories burned based on heart rate when exercising. 🏋️‍♀️

It's no secret that your heart rate is one of the most significant health indicators, but did you know that there is a correlation between your heart rate and the calories you burn during exercising? Whether you're an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or just a curious mind, keep reading to find out all about heart rate:

  • How calories burned are associated with heart rate;
  • How do you calculate calories burned with heart rate; and
  • What the correlation between heart rate and calories burned is.

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If any health condition bothers you, consult a physician.

All about heart rate

Whether after a good gym session, an exciting event, or a jump scare while watching a good horror movie, we often become aware of our heartbeat — especially when it becomes faster than usual. Our heart rate is one of the essential measurements in determining our overall health, but what exactly is it?

The heart rate is a measurement of how many times your heart beats (contracts) per minute (bpm). Experts believe that healthy adults' normal resting heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute.

  • A lower resting heart rate is associated with reduced odds of heart attacks.
  • A higher resting heart rate could indicate lower physical fitness and higher blood pressure.
  • A resting heart rate lower than 60 or higher than 100 bpm counts as an irregular heartbeat, and should be addressed by a medical professional. 👩‍⚕️

Calories burned based on heart rate

By now, you're probably wondering how heart rate is related to calories burned and where exercise comes into play. When exercising (or doing any intense physical activity), your heart beats faster to supply extra oxygen to your muscles under tension. Since we expend approximately five calories for every liter of oxygen consumed, the increased oxygen consumption leads to more burned calories. Therefore, although a higher resting heart rate isn't optimal, increasing heart rate during exercising may lead to more excellent fitness. If you're wondering what should be your target heart rate during various types of exercises, don't forget to check out our target heart rate calculator.

🙋 If you're interested in indicators of your cardiorespiratory fitness, you can determine your maximal oxygen consumption rate during intense exercise at your local sports medicine facilities. To learn more about the topic, visit our VO2 max calculator.

How do you calculate calories burned based on heart rate?

Formulas that you can utilize to calculate calories burned according to heart rate differ depending on the gender and whether VO2 max is known or not.

If VO2 max is unknown, the following formulas would apply:


CB = T × (0.4472×H - 0.1263×W + 0.074×A - 20.4022) / 4.184


CB = T × (0.6309×H + 0.1988×W + 0.2017×A - 55.0969) / 4.184


  • CBNumber of calories burned;
  • TDuration of exercise in minutes;
  • HYour average heart rate in beats per minute;
  • WYour weight in kilograms; and
  • AYour age in years.

If your VO2 max is known, the following formulas would apply:


CB = T × (0.45×H + 0.380×V + 0.103×W + 0.274×A - 59.3954) / 4.184


CB = T × (0.634×H + 0.404×V + 0.394×W + 0.271×A - 95.7735) / 4.184


  • CBNumber of calories burned;
  • TDuration of exercise in minutes;
  • H – Your average heart rate in beats per minute;
  • V – Your maximum rate of oxygen consumption, VO2 max, in ml/kg/min;
  • WYour weight in kilograms; and
  • AYour age in years.

Sounds complicated? Keep on reading to find out how Omni's calories burned by heart rate calculator works so that you don't have to bother with formulas. 😉

How does calories burned by heart rate calculator work?

Using our calories burned by heart rate calculator is straightforward! All you need to do is enter your gender, whether VO2 max is known, your age and weight, the duration of exercise, and your heart rate in beats per minute. Feel free to change units of measurement at your convenience, and if you know your VO2 max, don't forget to include it!

If you like Omni's calories burned by heart rate calculator, check out our other fitness and calorie-related tools, such as the walking calorie calculator and the running calorie calculator, to determine how many calories you burn while walking and running, respectively.


How do I calculate VO2 max?

To measure your VO2 max, use the following formula:

VO₂max = 15.3 × (MHR / RHR)


  • MHR is your maximum heart rate (equal to 220 − your age); and
  • RHR is your resting heart rate.

For example, if you're 20 years old, you have an MHR of 200. If your RHR is 80, your VO2 max would be approximately 15.3 × (200/80) ≈ 38.25. You can get a more accurate measure of VO2 max at your local sports medicine facilities.

How do I calculate my heart rate?

To check your heart rate, gently press the pointer and middle finger on your opposite wrist, below the thumb, where you feel your pulse. Then you should count the number of beats for 15 seconds and multiply that number by four to determine your heart rate.

Does high heart rate during a workout burn more calories?

In general, the higher your heart rate is during exercising, the more calories you burn per minute. You can also calculate calories burned according to your heart rate, where during a high-intensity exercise, there is a correlation between heart rate and calories burned.

What is a normal resting heartrate?

Healthy adults' normal resting heart rate is 60 to100 beats per minute.

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