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DUDIT Calculator

Created by Mariamy Chrdileli
Reviewed by Anna Szczepanek, PhD and Rijk de Wet
Based on research by
Berman, A. H., Bergman, H., Palmstierna, T., & Schlyter, F. Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) Karolinska Institute, Center for Psychiatric Research; 2002
Last updated: May 13, 2024

The DUDIT calculator, short for the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test, is a convenient tool to help you identify drug-related problems, specifically whether you have harmful drug habits or a possible dependence on drugs.

According to National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 31.9 million people are illegal drug users in the United States. Research shows that the best way to help someone with drug-related problems is to identify the problem early and intervene with appropriate means. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you are a medical professional, taking a patient's standard medical history, or a person concerned about drug-related problems — the DUDIT calculator is a concise and straightforward tool to help you with screening. Come along to learn how to use the DUDIT calculator, interpret the DUDIT score, the difference between the DUDIT and AUDIT calculator and more!

We do not endorse the use of drugs! If you're struggling with addiction, or if you engage in risky drug habits, then consider contacting your local addiction treatment center to get the support you need.

What is Drug Use Disorder Identification Test and who can use it?

The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) is an instrument for identifying individuals who may have risky drug habits, are heavily dependent on drugs, or do not have drug-related problems. The test was composed as a corresponding tool to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), for the first stage assessment of drug-related problems. The DUDIT contains 11 questions which address issues such as:

  1. The frequency of drug use per week/month;
  2. Polydrug use (combining drugs, or using more than one drug, at the same time, or consecutively);
  3. The frequency of drug use per day;
  4. Heavy use of a drug or drugs;
  5. Craving (a strong urge to continue substance abuse);
  6. Loss of control (inability to stop taking a drug once started);
  7. Prioritization of drug use over other duties;
  8. The need to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use, also called "Eye-opener."
  9. Guilt feelings over drug use;
  10. Harmful use (physically or mentally hurting others due to drug use); and
  11. Concern from others.

You can use the DUDIT calculator (whether you're a medical professional or a layperson) who may have concerns regarding drug-related habits.

⚠️ The DUDIT does not assess if your alcohol consumption pattern is harmful or hazardous. If you're looking for a simple tool to help you identify your drinking patterns, check the Audit-C Calculator.

How does the DUDIT calculator work?

To use the DUDIT calculator, all you have to do is answer questions about drug use as correctly and honestly as possible by selecting which answer you believe applies to you the most. The calculator will identify if you may have drug-related problems and give you an appropriate recommendation. The drugs that the instrument accounts for include:

  • Cannabis;
  • Amphetamines;
  • Opiates;
  • Hallucinogens;
  • Solvents/inhalants;
  • GHB and others (anabolic steroids, laughing gas, amyl nitrate, anticholinergic compounds);
  • Sedatives/sleeping pills; and
  • Painkillers.

⚠️ Note that if you take pills in the recommended dosage that has been prescribed by a medical professional, they do not count as drugs in this context. Pills only count as drugs if:

  • You consume a higher dosage than prescribed by a medical professional, or more often than recommended.
  • You consume them to achieve euphoria, feel good, have fun, or explore the effects of the drug.
  • You consume pills given to you by an acquaintance, friend, or a relative.
  • You consume pills that you purchased on a "black market" or stole.

DUDIT score interpretation

The maximum score in the DUDIT is 44; higher scores indicate more severe drug-related problems than lower scores. Here's how to interpret your DUDIT score:

  • If your result is 0 or 1, regardless of your gender, you do not have drug-related problems!
  • If you're a man, and your DUDIT score is 6 or more, you may be struggling with drug-related problems, such as harmful use or dependence.
  • If you're a woman and your DUDIT calculator result is 2 or more, you may engage in harmful drug-related behaviors.
  • If you scored 25 or more on this substance use disorder test, you may be dependent on one or more drugs.

If you are a medical professional and the DUDIT identified that your patient may have harmful drug habits, consider conducting a more comprehensive analysis of the extent and nature of the problem as the second step of the assessment.

I am worried about my DUDIT score, what should I do now?

If you took DUDIT or any other substance use disorder test, and you consider your results alarming, here are a few steps you can take:

  • Consider seeking professional support from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or physician. A healthcare professional may recommend enrolling in an addiction treatment program or different types of psychotherapy, depending on the severity.
  • Seek social support from your loved ones.
  • Reflect on the adverse effects of drugs on your life and the people around you.
  • Identify your triggers, and try to change the environment.
  • Consider substituting harmful habits with beneficial activities such as exercise. Exercising reduces stress, improves your sleep, and minimizes cravings!

Understanding the harmful effects of addiction can be a great motivator to pursue sobriety. Check out Omni addiction calculator to learn how addiction affects your life expectancy, and track your sobriety progress with sobriety calculator.


How do I score the DUDIT?

To calculate the DUDIT score, you need to:

  1. Score questions 1 to 9 on a 4-point scale (0 = never and 4 = four times a week or more often).
  2. Score questions 10 and 11 as 0, 2, or 4 (0 = no, 2 = yes, but not over the past year, and 4 = yes, over the past year).
  3. Sum up all the points!

Am I addicted to drugs if I scored 26 on the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test?

If you scored 25 or more on the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT), there is a high probability that you may be dependent on one or more drugs. Consider seeking professional support.

Can the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test screen for harmful alcohol use?

The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test, also known as the DUDIT, does not screen for harmful alcohol use. If you are worried about your alcohol consumption habits, consider using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the CAGE questionnaire, or the Severity Of Alcohol Dependence-Questionnaire (SADS-Q).

What is the difference between the AUDIT and DUDIT?

The AUDIT and DUDIT are different screening instruments. AUDIT was composed to identify those who engage in harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. On the other hand, DUDIT identifies individuals with unhealthy drug-related behaviors.

Mariamy Chrdileli
Here are a few questions about drugs. Please answer as correctly and honestly as possible by indicating which answer is right for you.

To learn more about how to use the calculator, see the "How does the DUDI calculator work?" section in the article.
1. How often do you use drugs other than alcohol?
2. Do you use more than one type of drug on the same occasion?
3. On days that you take drugs, how many times do you typically take them?
4. How often are you influenced heavily by drugs?
5. Over the past year, have you felt that your longing for drugs was so strong that you couldn’t resist it?
6. Over the past year, has it happened that you started taking drugs and were then unable to stop?
7. How often over the past year have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done?
8. Over the past year, how often have you needed to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before?
9. Over the past year, how often have you felt guilty or had a bad conscience because you used drugs?
10. Have you or anyone else ever been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs?
11. Has a relative, a friend, a doctor, a nurse, or anyone else ever been worried about your drug use, or told you that you should stop using drugs?
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