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Grams to Tablespoons Converter

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Grams to tablespoons, tablespoon to grams conversionTablespoons in a cupCalories in a tablespoon of productVolume or weight units - which are better?FAQs

If you're struggling with grams and tbsp conversion, look no further - this grams to tablespoons converter has everything you could ever need when dealing with simple cooking measurement conversions. We don't always have a kitchen scale close at hand (or it's not accurate enough when dealing with small weights, or we're just too lazy to use it), so volume units are preferable, especially for liquids. Scroll down, and you'll find out not only how to convert flour tablespoons to grams but also how many calories are in 1 tbsp of butter or maple syrup.

If you wish to learn more about volume units, be sure to check our volume conversion calculator.

Grams to tablespoons, tablespoon to grams conversion

Assume we'd like to:

  • Convert the amount of sugar in grams to tablespoons in the blink of an eye;

  • Switch the ingredient and quickly find out how many grams are in a tablespoon of salt; or

  • Change the butter tablespoon to grams.

Sounds cool, but how to do it? Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the ingredient from the drop-down list. Let's pick olive oil - choose oil from the list, and then a second box appears; this is where you can select olive oil.
  2. Enter the amount of product. Assume we want to use the grams to tablespoons converter the other way round - we have three tablespoons of olive oil, and we'd like to know how much it approximately weights. Type 3 into the tbsp box.
  3. Here you go! Now we know that three tablespoons of olive oil weigh around 41 grams.

Remember that the result is an approximation, as the products differ between manufacturers and a tablespoon of dry product can be heaped so that the volume can vary a lot.

If you want a quick comparison, use the table below that sums up how much one tablespoon of different products weights:


1 US tbsp

1 tbsp (15 ml)


14.8 g14.8\ \text{g}

15 g15\ \text{g}


15.2 g15.2\ \text{g}

15.5 g15.5\ \text{g}


8.9 g8.9\ \text{g}

9 g9\ \text{g}


12.5 g12.5\ \text{g}

12.7 g12.7\ \text{g}


18 g18\ \text{g}

18.3 g18.3\ \text{g}


21 g21\ \text{g}

21.3 g21.3\ \text{g}


14.2 g14.2\ \text{g}

14.4 g14.4\ \text{g}


13 g13\ \text{g}

13.2 g13.2\ \text{g}


7.7 g7.7\ \text{g}

7.8 g7.8\ \text{g}


18.6 g18.6\ \text{g}

19 g19\ \text{g}

Maple syrup

19.5 g19.5\ \text{g}

19.8 g19.8\ \text{g}

Tablespoons in a cup

Wondering how many tablespoons are in a cup? Assuming you're asking for US tablespoons, the answer is simple - sixteen. To sum up the most popular queries:

  • How many tablespoons are in a cup? 16 tbsp;

  • How many tablespoons are in 1/2 cup? 8 tbsp;

  • How many tablespoons are in 1/3 cup? 5.33 tbsp; and

  • How many tablespoons are in 1/4 cup? 4 tbsp;

The conversions above are related to US tablespoons and US cups. To make it more complicated, different types of cups exist, e.g., US legal cups or metric cups. If you want to read more about these units, be sure to have a look at our grams to cups calculator.

Calories in a tablespoon of product

Some ingredients are much more likely to be expressed in tablespoon units than others. Usually, the products which are a small addition to the dish, or maybe eaten alone, appear in tablespoons. You're more likely to find salt or Nutella in tablespoons than milk or flour (though it's still possible, so we have that option in the calculator as well).

Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to a salad or spreading peanut butter on a slice of bread sometimes makes us wonder - how many calories are in that portion? Let's have a look at calories in popular bread spreads, fats, and sugars (data for US tablespoons):

Bread spreads:

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of Nutella / chocolate spread - 100 kcal;

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of peanut butter - 94 kcal;

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of honey - 64 kcal; and

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of avocado - 20 kcal.


  • Calories in 1 tbsp of olive oil - 119 kcal;

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of coconut oil - 117 kcal; and

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of butter - 102 kcal.


  • Calories in 1 tbsp of sugar - 48 kcal; and

  • Calories in 1 tbsp of maple syrup - 52 kcal.

Thanks to this short list, you can now choose wisely what to have for breakfast!

Volume or weight units - which are better?

In our everyday cooking or baking experience 🍰, we usually use a mixture of volume and weight units. In most cases, dry products appear in recipes in grams, ounces, or pounds, whereas liquids like water or milk are measured in cups, milliliters, or tablespoons.

However, professional chefs recommend using weight units over volume, as it's a more accurate and reproducible method. Eventually, cooking is all about chemistry. For example, the volume of flour in a cup depends on many varied factors - if you spooned the flour, dipped the cup into it, leveled off, or scraped the top off, the amount of flour will be different, although you used the same container. Another perfect example is salt - the tablespoon of the granular form may weigh as much as even two tablespoons of flake salt! It's not an issue if you're using a kitchen scale, as weight is a direct measure of an ingredient.

But don't worry too much! Unless you're aspiring to be a master chef or you're cooking in bulk - just relax and use this grams to tablespoons converter. Enjoy the cooking and baking by choosing the units that are most natural and convenient to you - in most cases; you won't notice the difference.


How do I convert from grams to tablespoons?

To convert from grams to tablespoons, you need to know how much a tablespoon of your ingredient weighs. A tablespoon of flour weighs about 9 g, while a tablespoon of maple syrup is almost 20 g.

Once you know the weight, simply divide the desired amount in grams by the weight of the single tablespoon of your ingredient. The result is the number of tablespoons you need!

How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

By convention, there are three teaspoons in a tablespoon. The conversion from grams to teaspoons is straightforward if you know how to convert grams to tablespoons:

number of teaspoons = 3 × number of tablespoons

Remember that the weight of a US tablespoon is slightly different from that of a tablespoon; however, the result of the conversion doesn't change much!

How do I convert 50 grams of flour to tablespoons?

To convert 50 grams of flour to tablespoons, follow these steps:

  1. Check your tablespoon: every tablespoon should contain (when heaped) around 9 g of flour.

  2. Divide the desired amount of flour in grams by the weight of a single tablespoon of flour:

    n = 50/9 = 5.6

  3. The result is the number of tablespoons: five and a half!

How do I calculate the number of tablespoons from grams when given density?

You can calculate the number of tablespoons of an ingredient from grams if you know its density.

  1. Find the density of your ingredient. Either search online or fill in a known volume and weigh it. Density is the ratio between mass and volume.
  2. Calculate the number of tablespoons with the formula:
    tbsp = g/(15 × density),
  3. The result is the answer. Notice that we assumed the volume of a tablespoon to be 15 ml.

Select ingredient

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