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Blink-free Photo Calculator


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Why we blink? How many times do you blink a day?Using the blink-free photo calculatorBlink-free photos and the IG Nobel PrizeHow to not blink in photos?

This blink-free photo calculator is the perfect tool for curious people who love to apply science to everyday life. It tells you how many photos you should take to be (almost) sure that nobody blinked at the wrong moment.

Have you ever wondered how many times you blink a day? Or why do we blink at all? We've got the answers ready for you! Were you ever annoyed by that cousin who always blinks in your family photograph? Well – you are not the only one! The eternal question of how not to blink in photos resulted in interesting scientific research... and even an Ig Nobel Prize!

You've got a 80.83% chance of taking a blink-free photo when photographing a group of 5. 📸

You have to take 3 photos to be 99% sure you'll get a good one. 🤳 🤳

Below, we present you a chart illustrating how many attempts you should try while photographing a certain number of people. 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻

Blink-free photo chart

Number of photos

Number of people

Good light

Bad light

The number of photos you need to take for 99% blink-free photo probability vs. the number of people in the picture

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