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Volume to Density Calculator

Table of contents

Density definitionHow to calculate density from mass and volume using this calculatorOther related density calculatorsFAQs

If you need to go from the volume of an object to its density, our volume to density calculator is just the tool for you. All you need to know is its mass (or weight, as measured here on Earth).

In this short article, we will explain:

  • What is density?
  • How to calculate density from mass and volume.
  • How do you find the mass with density and volume?
  • What is the density of a golf ball?

Density definition

The density of an object or substance is basically the mass per unit volume of space that it occupies. Given two objects that are the same size, the one that weighs more is denser. Mathematically, the density definition is written as:

ρ=mV\rho = \frac{m}{V}


  • ρ\rho – Density;
  • mm – Mass (same as weight on Earth); and
  • VV – Volume.

So to go from an object's volume to its density, we just need to know its mass.

Next, we'll explain how to use this volume to density calculator.

How to calculate density from mass and volume using this calculator

The volume to density calculator is straightforward to use by following these instructions:

  1. Enter the volume of the object in your choice of units. We support a wide range of volume units. Click the volume unit drop-down menu to see them.
    • Optional: If you don't know the object's volume but do know its dimensions, click the Calculate the volume button to reveal an extra calculator section you can use to calculate the volume.
  2. Input the mass or weight of the object.
  3. Enjoy your object's density result instantly, without pressing a calculate button.

And that's how to calculate density with mass and volume. Actually, the calculator can work in many ways. Input any two values, and the other one is calculated for you.


What is the density of a golf ball?

1.13 g/cm3. Follow these steps to arrive at this answer:

  1. The mass of a golf ball is 45.9 g, and its volume is 40.7 cm3.
  2. Divide the mass by the volume.
  3. So in this case that is 45.9 g / 40.7 cm3 = 1.13 g/cm3.

How can you use density to identify an unknown substance?

Measuring the density of a substance can tell you a lot about what it is made of by matching it to a list of know densities of different materials. This method allowed Archimedes to tell real gold apart from lead made to look like gold. The density of gold is 1.7 times the density of lead.

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