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Baby's Milk Intake Calculator

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Baby's milk intake calculatorHow to calculate milk intake for a baby?Baby's milk intake chartBaby's milk intake by weightFAQs

The baby's milk intake calculator is a worry-free tool to help all the parents who want to calculate the milk intake for their baby according to the baby's age, weight, and feeding habits.

If you are a parent to a newborn, you have definitely wondered, "How much milk does my baby need?", "How to calculate milk intake for my baby?" or maybe you know all that and are just looking to make a baby's milk intake chart. Worry no more in any of these cases because we have it all for you.

If you are a parent, some other noteworthy calculators for you to look at are:

Baby's milk intake calculator

The baby's milk intake calculator is a hassle-free tool that helps you estimate the amount of milk needed by your baby in their early months.
Babies need proper feeding, whether it's breast milk or formula milk, and this intake depends on their age, weight, and the number of feedings they require per day.

Our calculator requires the weight of the baby, preferably in kilograms, but if you have it in any other unit (say, pounds or ounces), worry not. You can always use our pounds and ounces calculator to convert to the unit of your convenience. The next important thing you need is your baby's age in months, and, lastly, you need to record the number of feedings your baby requires during a day.

Based on these variables, you will find out the amount of milk the baby needs during the whole day and the amount per feeding.

🙋 Are you nursing? The breastfeeding calorie calculator may be of help.

How to calculate milk intake for a baby?

The baby's milk intake calculator performs two different calculations. The first one finds the total amount of milk needed by the baby during the day and the second one computes the amount of milk per serving.

Since we are using both age and weight, the formula to evaluate a baby's milk intake is:

Required milk=Baby’s age equivalence×Baby’s weight\text {Required milk} = \text {Baby's age equivalence} \times \text{Baby's weight}


  • Baby’s age equivalence \text {Baby's age equivalence} - An estimated series of numbers used as constants for various age groups.

The formula to determine the milk amount per serving is:

Milk per serving = Required milk / Number of servings \text {Milk per serving = Required milk / Number of servings}

So, all that you need is your baby's weight, age, and the number of feedings that he requires in a day. For this purpose, you might already be maintaining a chart, and, if not, it's never too late to start keeping your baby's milk intake chart.

Once you have this information, please place them in the formula to get your results.

For instance, your baby is 2 months old\text {2 months old}, weighs 4 kg\text {4 kg}, and needs 88 feedings per day. The total amount of milk required during the whole day is 480 ml480 \text{ ml}, which means 60 ml60 \text { ml} of milk per feeding.

The baby's age equivalence in terms of milk requirement is given in the table below:


Required milk


60 ml per kilogram per day

< 1 month

180 ml per kilogram per day

1 - 3 months

150 ml per kilogram per day

3 - 6 months

120 ml per kilogram per day

6 - 9 months

100 ml per kilogram per day

9 - 12 months

90 ml per kilogram per day

One important thing to keep in mind is that the default units used in the formula to calculate baby's milk intake needs are kilograms (kg) for weight, months for age, and milliliters (ml) for the amount of milk. Even though you have the freedom to choose any unit, remember to select appropriate units for all variables if you want to perform the computations by yourself. For instance, if you have your baby's weight in ounces, then it would be wise to use fluid ounces for milk quantity.

Generally, an infant requires at least 8-12 feedings daily, after every two to three hours, and this amount decreases with the passage of time as the baby develops a proper sleeping schedule.

Baby's milk intake chart

We need to monitor infants that rely exclusively on breastfeeding. It's worth maintaining a journal or chart in case of the mother's absence due to work or other outdoor chores.

The important things to keep in the baby's milk intake chart are:

  • The number of feedings per day for the baby;
  • The weekly weight of the baby;
  • Age of the baby;
  • Sleeping habits of the baby; and
  • Amount of milk required during a day and per serving.

Some research suggests that the baby's milk intake will not change between the first six months. Still, each baby has his own needs, so we could estimate the milk intake based on the baby's weight as well as his age.

Therefore, these charts can be useful in maintaining a baby's dietary and calorie records.

You can expect a decline in the milk intake any time after six months, especially when the baby starts eating solid food. If you maintain the baby's milk intake chart, you will not have to stress about slight changes in the baby's milk intake.

Baby's milk intake by weight

As a parent, you might be concerned with your baby's milk intake needs, especially if you are a first-time parent, but our baby's milk intake calculator ensures you remain stress-free.

The baby's milk intake varies a lot during the baby's first month. After that, there should be a gradual decrease when the baby starts consuming foods other than milk. There could also be variation in the milk intake based on the weight of the baby, which is what our calculator bases its calculations on.

The variables that influence the milk intake of a baby are:

  • Growth rate;
  • Age;
  • Metabolic rate;
  • Activity level;
  • Amount of solid/semi-solid food;
  • Feeding habit/pattern; and
  • Sleeping habits.

How much milk does my baby need?

The baby's milk intake depends on his weight, age, and other factors like growth rate and genetics.

But if you want to estimate how much milk is required, you need to multiply your baby's weight by the age equivalence number, which is the average amount of milk required at various ages.

Please refer to the list below:

  • A newborn needs 60 ml per kg per day.
  • A baby less than 1-month-old needs 180ml per kg per day.
  • 1 - 3 months old baby needs 150 ml per kg per day.
  • 3 - 6 months old baby needs 120 ml per kg per day.
  • 6 - 9 months old baby needs 100 ml per kg per day.
  • 9 - 12 months old baby needs 90 ml per kg per day.

When does the baby's milk intake decrease?

The baby's milk intake starts to decrease when he starts taking solid or semi-solid food.

The decline in the baby's milk intake should not be a matter of major concern if he has started eating other foods like fruit or vegetable puree and should be considered a sign of good health.

How much milk does my 1 month old baby need?

Your baby's milk intake should be around 2-4 ounces or 60 - 110 ml, which is comparable to the stomach capacity of a one-month-old baby (typically 2.5 to 5 ounces).

The average milk intake for a 1-month-old baby is 150 ml per kilogram per day. This means whatever the weight of your baby is, all you have to do is multiply it by 150 and you will have the total milk intake during the whole day for your beloved baby.

How much milk does my 7 kg, 5 months old baby girl need?

Your baby needs 840 ml of milk during the whole day.

The required amount for a baby between 3 - 6 months old is 120 ml per kilogram per day. So, if you want to calculate the milk intake by yourself, all you have to do is multiply your baby's weight by 120 and you will get the milk quantity required during the whole day.

You can further divide this amount into amounts per feeding, the formula for which is:

Milk per serving = Required milk / Number of servings

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