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Tap Water Calculator

Created by Piotr Małek
Reviewed by Steven Wooding
Last updated: Jun 05, 2023

Water surrounds us at every step. It covers 71% of the planet's surface and makes up over two-thirds of the human body. We consume it daily through meals and drinks, but shortly after, our bodies dispose of it through mainly urine and sweat. That's why we're recommended to drink even more of it to keep our bodies healthy and hydrated.

Industry experts argue about the exact amount of water you should be drinking. Many quote 2 liters as the sweet spot, while one suggests men should take a higher water intake than women, pointing to 3 liters for males and 2.2 for females. It will also depend on your diet and lifestyle. Regular athletes should drink much more as they sweat at a much faster rate.

If you consume lots of fruits, vegetables, or fluid products (such as yogurt), they all contain plenty of water, which counts too. Contrary to common beliefs, as Sciencebase Science Blog explains, fizzy drinks, coffee and even beer contribute the same way as water and do not cause dehydration.

It seems you also cannot drink too much water. I mean, technically you could, but as Lifehacker explains our kidneys can filter and excrete up to 15 liters of water every day. That's a lot of water even for those who keep stopping by the watercooler way more often than their supervisor would appreciate.

Tap or bottled water?

If you have to consume so much water, wouldn't it make sense to consider alternatives to classic bottled water? In many countries, tap water is perfectly clean and healthy. In many cases, it contains even more minerals than mineral water. If it's not so clear in your area, consider getting a water filter for your tap, check its quality and hardness. It's not so expensive if you think about long-term benefits.

Would you like to learn more about water hardness and how to calculate it? Visit the water hardness calculator to find out 🚿

Governments, local authorities, and thousands of ecological NGOs are involved in campaigns that aim to show the benefits of drinking tap water. The reasons behind starting to drink tap water include green ones (no plastic is used in the process), financial (tap water can cost 1,000s of times less), and merely logical (many mineral water brands are produced from... tap water). There are many more, but this tool focuses solely on the financial benefits of drinking tap water.

Tap water calculator

The calculator aims to help you assess how much you could be spending on water (if you rely on bottled water). On the other hand, we allow you to estimate the tiny cost of using tap water in your household. Simply enter the prices of both and your amount of water consumed daily. If you want to check the numbers for more people in your house, please feel free to edit them. Once you insert the data, the tool will immediately inform you about the potential savings you could expect. Feel like switching to tap water now?

💡 Looking for more ways to reduce costs at home? Check the LED savings calculator to find out how much you can save by switching to LED light bulbs. Brilliant!

Piotr Małek
Water you drink
US gal
People in household
Tap water
1k US gal
Money spent
Bottled water
Bottle capacity
US fl oz
Money spent
Costs comparison
Bottled water is
more expensive
Savings in 5 years
Savings in 10 years
Savings in 20 years
Savings in 50 years
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